Saturday, September 17, 2005

From Such Great Heights

On August 21st, I had the opportunity to climb one of my favorite mountains in the Lake Louise area, Mt. Temple, at a soaring 11,626 feet. I finally was able to import some pictures from our climb, and here is the bonus commentary. (Offered at no extra charge, to you, my faithful viewers):
1) the group, looking happy and healthy before we set out on our trek (^)

2) the quintessential summit group-shot, 6 hours later and huddled for body heat!

3) yours truly, in one of her upright moments. Having arrived only the day prior from the flatlands, I was struck by a mild case of altitude sickness, resulting in stumbles, light-headedness, and nausea. All this for a mountain. . . it must be love.

4) even amidst freezing temperatures, we still had time for a quick hug!

5) Adam caught me in the last few hundred meters of sheer pain

6) and the best part of scrambing. . . the scree-surfing down! What a day, what a mountain.

title courtesty of the Postal Service

1 comment:

wwwavvve said...

You're making me miss Vancouver Jen! Thanks for the memories. All is well here in Seoul, South Korea. ...Shawn